Spring has arrived and yet we still find ourselves in lockdown, so there is no time like the present to give your lingerie drawer a bit of a spring clean.
Have you heard of the old adage, clean underwear drawer, clean mind? No? Well…Good, because we made it up, but let this be your mantra from now on, and to help you out we have put together tips on how to spring clean your drawers, so they don’t look like they should be towed away for recycling. No judgements here, but we see you….
We ladies are creatures of habit (not all, but most), and we tend to go for the same styles over and over again, so use this spring cleaning session as an opportunity to purchase some new lingerie for spring and give yourself a style refresh. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new fabrics, cuts and colours. It’s a great season to be bold. Every woman should have at least one pair of lace underwear and if you like the romantic feel of cute little French Knickers, treat yourself with a new pair or two. With the temperatures rising you’ll appreciate the coolness they offer. This is the perfect time of year to spruce up that lingerie collection and give it a whole new look. Regular lingerie rotation is a must. Try something new and give your drawer an upgrade.
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Lingerie Spring Cleaning:
Step No. 1 – The Purge
Remove your lingerie from your drawers and lay them on your bed. Any lingerie that looks unsightly, falling apart, misshapen, crawling on your bed – Give them one last hurrah and get rid. Girl, you know you need to remove that worn out underwear, unless there is a sentimental reason why you need to keep them, throw them out! Point to note, please discard your lingerie sustainably so that they don’t end up in landfill but are recycled. Check out your area for organisations that do this.
Step No. 2 – The Inventory
This is where it gets exciting…this is where all those underwear drawer faces see daylight again. Grab yourself a notebook or a pen and paper and get to jotting down notes as you go. If you’re starting from scratch, then this may take a little work, but if you want to do an overhaul of an existing drawer, then it won’t take much work at all. Put each item of lingerie that you’re going to keep in its own little section, and list the instructions and care requirements underneath, again as you take them out of the drawer. Make sure that you list everything, even if it’s only a bit of string for a belt or suspender belt.
Step No. 3 – Evaluate what you have left
Now that you have tossed all of your old undies, it is time to take a look at what’s left and decide how to best organise them into piles in order to tackle them according to priority. So, you have selected some pieces that are still in great condition and have held up to numerous washes and wears. Here is where we sort them into piles of similar styles. By sorting similar styles together you can easily and clearly identify what you have left and what you need to purchase.
Step No. 4 – The Clean Up
Return to your drawer and give it a light clean with a gentle cleaning wipe – nothing too harsh and allow to dry. Once your drawers are dry we suggest lining them with scented liners, which will make your drawer and lingerie smell absolutely amazing. Alternatively, scented pouches are cool or even lightly spray your drawers with the perfume of your choice.
Step No. 5- Organise your drawer once again
Now that they are clean and scented, it is time to start organising your lingerie drawers once more into categories of similar styles/colours/fabric. Once you have done this you can easily see what pieces you have available and what needs to be purchased next – it will also give you an idea of the style diversity in each category and how it fits within your wardrobe. If you feel like you are drowning in undies, try selecting a drawer or two at a time and put everything into storage (we recommend all lingerie be stored/displayed in underwear boxes).
Step No. 6 – The Refresh
Time to bring your lingerie drawer back to life with fabric fresheners, this will refresh the longevity of your lingerie.
Step No. 7 – Stay On Top of Your Lingerie Game
Check out our posts on How to Care For Your Lingerie, and tips on how to clean and maintain your delicates.
The Treat
Go on, treat yourself to some new lingerie.
There you have it! Spring clean drawers fit for the boujee queen you are. So will you take up the spring clean challenge? If yes, comment below and let us know how you did.
On a serious subnote ladies, please note that this article is purposed to be lighthearted fun, to keep your mind off the current global events, so, have fun with it, take whatever tips will serve you, if any, and do the best you can, with what you have.
Sourced From: https://www.olyinka.com/olyinka-mag/2019/3/14/how-to-spring-clean-your-lingerie-drawer