Are you a pro when it comes to the body positivity game? If you’ve got confidence written all over you, it’s time to give a little back to those around you. Why not help your closest friend boost her body confidence? It’s far easier than you might imagine.
Here are some quick tricks you can try that may just work wonders:
1. Have a self-care day together
We all know that self-care is important and yet few of us dedicate time to it regularly. Why not buck this trend by hosting a self-care day for you and your friend? You could plan fun activities such as using face scrubs and masks. Spending this quality time with your friend should help boost your confidence and bring you closer together too. Win-win.
2. Give her genuine compliments
When your friend looks great, why not tell her about it? The key to getting this tip right is making sure that the compliments you give are genuine. Truly look at your friend and notice all the small things that make her completely unique and beautiful. There are bound to be a load of intricacies that make her special. Be specific in your compliments. Rather than simply saying ‘you look nice today’, try ‘I love your naturally curly hair’.
3. Take her lingerie shopping
Every woman out there deserves lingerie that makes her feel a million dollars. Take the opportunity to hit the stores and go shopping. Searching for beautiful lingerie together is the ideal way to promote body positivity. You can help her select pieces that will accentuate her best features and show off those beautiful curves. Why not suggest a trip together soon? It might just be the best move for your friendship.
4. Cut back on negative self-talk
Believe it or not, the way in which you talk about yourself could have a lasting impact on how your friend feels about herself. If you are in the habit of engaging in negative self-talk, it’s time to change your ways. Each time you put down your own body image, your friend could internalize that negativity. The message you’re sending out is that you are unhappy with the way that you look so – in turn – she ought to be as well.
5. Try a dance class together
One of the best ways that you can boost both your own and your friend’s body confidence is by getting moving! Do you love to dance? Now is your chance! Look for a dance fitness class in your local area and sign the two of you up for it. This idea is a fantastic way to enjoy your body and make the most of it. What’s more, you may also find that joining a class helps you to widen your social circles and meet new, interesting people.
6. Share your gratitude
Are you a grateful person? A quick way to lift your mood and increase your confidence is to become more grateful in your everyday life. You and your friend can work on this goal together. The next time you’re hanging out and having some downtime, play a quick and easy game with each other. Take turns to say what you are grateful for and what you love about your body. It might feel a little silly at first. But when you get into the swing of it, it will give you both that extra oomph you’ve been looking for.
Spreading confidence and being body positive are two of the best things you can do. Positivity can be contagious in the greatest possible way. With that in mind, why don’t you spend a little time improving your friends #BoPo game and helping her along the way? You won’t regret this gesture of kindness… and she won’t forget it.